A little Drama

May 12, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Western GoldWestern GoldFrench Creek, Montana Highway 569 (Deep Creek Road), Wise River, Montana. May 2, 2020. On my trip last week to French Creek (over the Mill Creek Pass and south towards Wise River), DramaDramaMontana Highway 569 (Deep Creek Road), Wise River, Montana. May 2, 2020.
waves of clouds moved across the sky as the sun settled in the west. I mostly watched the southern sky, hoping that it would open up in time to see some good light. 

The sky cleared just as the sun reached the horizon and let some golden light into the French Creek valley. Clouds hung low, light reflected off the creek, and there were a pair of yearling(?) moose off to the right. (Too dark to get good photos, but they made me nervous!) Snow capped peaks hugged the horizon.

It always pays to look around while you wait for your scene to develop (It's how I miss most of my moon shots--I get bored and say,"Oh look over there...").

I glanced to my left and saw a cloud that had light from above seeping though and its bottom partially lit with golden light. It looks threatening, but was actually calm and beautiful. This cloud passed on by, but it was not long until others filled in the sky to rain on me.

While getting ready to leave, a fisherman driving towards Anaconda stopped to visit. He told me that there were elk a mile or so to the north, and three wolves (I don't know how he knew how many wolves.) on a hill to the east.

The rains came, I turned around to head north towards home, and saw 50+ elk on the first hill I passed. Too dark and rainy to get any photos.

Thanks for reading!


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