Note: These products must be customized on a desktop (laptop, tablet) computer.

(Ipad/IOS users click here)

Twpatt 2025 Custom Calendars:

Twpatt Custom 2020 CalendarWhat it looks like. The Twpatt custom wall Calendar is 12 inches wide and 18 inches tall with a binding on top. There is a full page Montana scene on the cover and a half page Montana scene each month. You can fully customize your calendar using any image at Twpatt Photos.

The cost is $35.00 plus shipping.

To fully customize your calendar:

  1. Select at least 13 images (one for the cover and 12 others--one for each month) from Galleries and Collections. 
  2. Save the images in your "Favorites" folder (the site will ask you to create a free login point before you can save photos).
  3. Open your "Favorites" folder from Galleries and Collections and select a photo to be your calendar cover. 
  4. Click the "Buy" button to open the "Shop" page.
  5. Find the "Photo Gifts" section and select "Calendars".
  6. Choose the "Twpatt 2025 Photos Custom Calendar". 

When the calendar editor opens, your first selected photo should be on the cover. Follow the instructions below to add other photos. 

  1. In the "Twpatt 2025 Custom Photos Calendar", click the "Add Photos" button. 
  2. The Calendar editor will open and your selected image should be on the cover. All of the monthly photo placeholders should be empty.
  3. Click "Change Photo" at the top of the calendar. A popup window will open on the right. Select the "Favorites" tab. The photos from your "Favorites" folder will appear.
  4. At the bottom of the editor, select a month (January, February, etc.) and drag a photo onto its placeholder. (Once the photo is in the month, clicking on it will turn on some cropping and placement tools.)
  5. If you wish to add captions, click on the caption placeholder below each image and copy/edit/paste your text into the placeholder. (An easy way to find the captions is to open a new copy of your "Favorites" folder from Galleries and Collections . Inside "Favorites", start the slideshow and then pause it. Use the filmstrip to view each photo and its caption. (Make sure to highlight and erase the placeholder text in each caption area.))
  6. Save the calendar
  7. Add the calendar to your cart and go to checkout.

Thank you. I hope that you enjoy your calendar.

If you need help, send a message through the Twpattphotos Contacts page.