It's 2020, but Thinkin' 2021 -The Mountain Con

March 20, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

I plan to produce a 2021 Head Frames Calendar with all new head frames photos. Here is a view of the Mountain Consolidated head frame, one of the 2021 calendar candidates.  Walk in the ParkWalk in the ParkThe Mountain Consolidated Head Frame, Butte, Montana. March 17, 2020. Operated 1890-1975. Main shaft 5,291 feet deep.

'Walk in the Park' shows a view of the Mountain Consolidated Head Frame from a vegetated area east of the head frame. This area was where the foreman's house stood--it seems to have been as nice a place as possible with trees (even apple trees) and lots of landscaping. The house is gone, but some of the yard remains. The morning was foggy and I captured the image while a pocket of clear air was about.

It seems odd, but this photo makes me feel a little like a small mammal hiding in a forest, watching a behemoth T-rex walking about looking for food. I have spied it through the trees in the early light, and am being very quiet.

The Mountain Consolidated operated from 1890 until 1975. The main shaft is 5,291 feet deep.

'Walk in the Park' is a possible 2021 head frames calendar candidate. It has competition though--click the image to see other head frame shots in the 'Montana All Year Round' gallery. Do you have a preference?




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