It's 2020, but Thinkin' 2021

January 15, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

We are now firmly ensconced in 2020 and it seems that time is flying by quickly. The 2020 Head Frames Calendars are still available online at and it's time to snap one up before too much of the year escapes. If you decide to buy a calendar, but adding captions seems too hard--put the unfinished calendar in your cart and share it with me at Twpatt Photos (There is a button in the shopping cart.). I can add the captions and share the cart back to you. You can then check out as usual.

I plan to produce a 2021 Head Frames Calendar with all new head frames photos. Here is a photo of the Mountain Consolidated head frame at sunset that will likely be in the 2021 calendar. Incongruity at the Mountain ConsolidatedIncongruity at the Mountain ConsolidatedThe Mountain Con head frame, Butte, Montana. December 25, 2019.

I call this image 'Incongruity'. Although the Mountain Consolidated head frame sits among reclaimed mine waste (all the smooth looking grassy area) on the Butte Hill, it is framed in this photo by an apple tree. Apple trees are not normal Butte Hill Mining District occupants. This tree, and a few others, were apparently part of the yard at the mine foreman's house; an island of vegetation among all the bits and pieces of the surrounding mine yard. Scattered around the house site are mature spruces and pines, and about a half dozen apple trees. Not crab apples, mind you, but apples. 

The Mountain Consolidated mine site is now a Butte City Park with a covered picnic pavilion near the site of the foreman's house and walking paths that take you about. The head frame is the park's centerpiece, but I like the upper area near the foreman's house, where the apple trees still survive. 

Click on the image to see it in the Montana Winter Gallery.




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