My how time flies

October 05, 2019  •  1 Comment

I got up early September 27 and headed out to see the sunrise and catch some fall color. The weather service was predicting an "Historic" fall storm, and if it was historic enough, I would miss out on fall color photos this year. 

I was early enough to think about sunrise, but as usual I did not have a clear plan where to be when. I ended up on the road between Fairmont and Opportunity when it became time to stop. I pulled off the road and three local citizens came over to see what I was about. I quickly became less interesting than more food, so they proceeded to ignore me and got back to the task at hand. I ended up with some models for a nice fall sunrise photo.

Breakfast TimeBreakfast TimeSunrise near Opportunity, Montana. September, 27, 2019.

I said farewell to my sunrise buddies and drove over to catch early-light photos along the Mill Creek Road. The aspens were not quite at their peak, but many were looking pretty fine. At the top of the pass, the road was up into low clouds and there was a little mist on the windshield. Just to the south of the pass, no traffic let me take a color-lined highway photo that portrayed just how quiet and peaceful it was right then.

Mountain ColorMountain ColorMount Haggin Wildlife Management Area, Mill Creek Road. Anaconda, Montana. September 27, 2019. I explored around up high for a while, but the low-hanging gray clouds persisted. I decided to start heading home and found that the light improved a lot once I got back down towards Anaconda. Reddish fall vegetation is hard to find among all of Montana's yellows and greens, but this hill had quite a lot clinging to its side.

I headed back towards town and called it a morning.

Dressed to KillDressed to KillFall color on the Mill Creek Road, Anaconda, Montana. September 27, 2019.



Twpatt Photos
I am glad you liked it. It was a pretty morning.
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