
November 11, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

A crystal clear sunset presented four heavenly bodies in the early evening sky October 30, 2019.

At upper left, the single pinprick of light is Jupiter. The moon is the star of the show--a brightly lit crescent cupping a dollop of earth light. In the lower right quarter of the image, just above a thin wisp of cloud, is Venus -- a tiny, tiny, yellow light. Venus is just about to set and is being swallowed by the sun's fading orange light. It is difficult to see, you might have to zoom in to see it.

The fourth heavenly body is the earth, represented by the silhouette of the horizon with its high point, 9,436 foot Mount Fleecer.

Almost 10,000 feet above sea level sounds impressive if we have to hike or walk about on it, but everything else in the image is hundreds of thousands to millions of miles distant.


DuskFoursomeJupiter, Moon, Venus, and Mount Fleecer. From the Lexington Mine Yard, Butte, Montana. October 30, 2019.



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