Sometimes, the photo just happens

October 17, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Mary and I toured around the Seeley Lake area on September 21 -- still air, and partly cloudy skies helped us capture images of glassy lakes full of cloud and mountain reflections. Rainy Lake in the Seeley-Swan is a favorite place and often offers brilliant views of the Swan Mountains and gorgeous reflections. Moody ForestMoody ForestRainy Lake Campground. Seeley Lake, Montana. September 21, 2019.

As we drove up the highway towards Rainy Lake (and having been there several times), I was mentally composing/anticipating the images that I might capture on a windless early fall day.

A few rain showers had passed through the area early that morning. As I got out of the car and turned, this up-light view of a glistening forest just seemed to appear. Unplanned and just there. I took a moment to try and record the feeling. Glistening, wet, shadowy, and directly into the sun.

I went on down to Rainy Lake, and the light just wasn't the same. The view to the north across the Lake was a little too cloudy and the clouds were too far down on the top of the Swans to produce the photos I envisioned. My pre-planned image just didn't work out. 

The moral of the morning: be ready for anything. If you see it, capture it.




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